Tactical Combat Skills

BtM Combat Skills are built on a two tier system of Styles and Tactics. The skills and training consist of expertise in a class of weapons (or weaponless) style. Various tactical options become available within each of these weapon Styles as the character advances with that Style. The use of tactics in combat is optional, a straightforward use of the normal attack mode for a weapon is an always available and simple approach for the beginning player. One tool that has proved valuable for incorporating tactics into combat efficiently are BTM: Combat Cards. This deck of 30 or so playing cards contains an easy to read and implement synopsis of all tactics as well as additional cards for common modifiers and combat activities such as weapon changes and spell castings. 

Combat Skills

Weapon Styles

The training and tactics of medieval weapons combat.

Weaponless Styles

The training and tactics of hand-to-hand combat without (formal) weapons.

Combat Skills

General combat skills that are neither weapon nor weapon style specific.

Weapon Tactics

These tactics are an integral part of the Weapon Styles to which they apply. The tactics are learned as part of training in a specific style. They are detailed separately as the procedures for use are identical regardless of the weapon being utilized.

Offensive Weapon Tactics

The tactics used for inflicting damage on another with weapons not integral to the attackers person. These are the most commonly used tactics involving mechanical weapons.

Defensive Weapon Tactics

The tactics used for prevention of damage to oneself by interposition of one's own weapons to deflect another's attack.

Weaponless Tactics

These tactics are an integral part of the Weaponless Styles to which they apply. The tactics are learned as part of training in a specific style. They are detailed separately as the procedures for use are identical regardless of style.

Weaponless Tactics

The tactics used for manipulating another in combat without the use of mechanical force amplification.


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updated on:   11 Feb 1999