Skill Tests
It is the job of the GM to establish the difficulty rating, based on his understanding of the task. The adjacent table and the probability curves chart are for consultation by the GM and players in determining appropriate difficulty levels. The table summarizes the percentage probabilities of success for tests performed by an "average" character with an attribute value of "12". Tasks that are required or essential for completion of an adventure goal should be difficulty rated before the adventure (as part of the module.) This allows the GM to be as objective as possible in making this crucial determination. The tables that follow should serve as a guide to establishing such difficulty levels. Tasks precipitated by the characters' actions are the most difficult to rate. Player resistance to task difficulty ratings is inevitable in the rapid pace of active role-playing. Familiarity with the adjacent probability curves and careful consideration of normative human capabilities are crucial to proper assignment of task difficulty ratings. All tests utilizing skills should be made against the assigned attribute. Inevitably, situations arise where a task is envisioned that either does not utilize or does not correspond well with game skills. These tests should be made against a GM determined attribute. Reasonable discussion may be required to come up with a suitable attribute, but the GM must make the final decision. |