Academic Skills


Prerequisites: Chirurgery (2), Chemistry (2)

1 Proper mixing of compounds to form basic apothecary elixirs, poisons, balms and Chirurgery (2+) prescriptions.
2 Ability to determine uses of herbs, plants and other previously "unknown" materials.
3 Determination of the effects of any ingredient on the human body by sight, smell and/or taste. Proper laboratory equipment will reduce the difficulty of such determinations by dice levels in one to three hours.


Architect, Civil

Prerequisites: Carpentry (1), Mathematics (1)

1 Designing, engineering and planning of civilian homes and businesses. Preparation of plans requires one week per 100 sq. ft.
2 Supervision of all phases of construction of civilian homes and businesses.

TIME OF STUDY: 6 months

Architect, Naval

Prerequisites: Shipbuilding (1), Mathematics (2)

1 Design of river craft and freshwater barges.
2 Design of oceangoing merchant vessels of up to 450 tons displacement. Supervision of construction of freshwater craft.
3 Design of oceangoing light warships to 500 tons and heavy merchant vessels to 2000 tons. Supervision of construction of oceangoing merchant vessels to 450 tons.



Prerequisites: Mathematics (2)

1 Navigation by quadrant and star chart, ±2º error. Able to determine north any time some stars, the sun or even the moon is visible.
2 Prediction of eclipses with a 75% chance of accurate prediction. Navigation accuracy increases to ±1º error.
3 Creation of star charts, ability to chart unfamiliar seas or countryside. Eclipse prediction chance of success increases to 98%. Navigation accuracy increases to ±0.5º error.



Min. Attributes: IQ 12
Prerequisites: Latin (3)

1 Identification of plants.
2 Ability to choose the correct plant for any given application or use.
3 Ability to encourage plants to grow to twice their natural size through the use of fertilizers and plant care skills.

TIME OF STUDY: 1 year.


Min. Attributes: Dexterity 8
Prerequisites: Mathematics (1)

1 Poison manufacturing, one pint does 1d6 damage for every two Chemistry levels and requires one week to create.
2 Acids manufacturing, one pint does 1d6 damage for every three Chemistry levels and requires one week to create.
3 Bases manufacturing, one pint does 1d6 damage for every three Chemistry levels and requires one week to create.
4 Black powder (gunpowder, sifted) manufacturing, one cup does 1d6 damage for every three Chemistry levels and requires one week to create.
5 Sulfur matches, 10 matches may be made per week.
6 Black powder (gunpowder, corned) manufacturing, one cup does 2d4 damage for every three Chemistry levels and requires one week to create.
7 Crystal growth, ability to concoct a solution that will cause a single crystal to grow at a rate of one pound per ten weeks. Each week of growth adds an additional die to the difficulty of the operation with success determined at the conclusion of the growth period.
8 Directed crystal growth, ability to cause the aforementioned crystal to assume a predicted and useful shape with the rate of growth and same chance of flaw as normal crystal growth (level 7).
9 Crystal weaponry, ability to grow crystals in such a way as to make them acceptable material for the construction of blade weapons of uncanny sharpness.

TIME OF STUDY: 6 months.


Min. Attributes: IQ 8, Dexterity 8, Wisdom 8

1 Field or hospital experience allows the stanching of wounds so as to stop moderate bleeding. Repair of large (greater than 50% of Hit Points) puncture or edge weapon wounds by sewing. Prevention of shock due to excessive damage or burn. Prevention of scarring from minor burn damage.
2 Basic understanding of human anatomy. Prescription of pain killing powders and elixirs (safe preparation of such prescriptions is an Apothecary skill.)
3 Location and extraction of foreign objects from a wound. Failure requires an additional test at Difficult(D4) difficulty level to avoid causing Arterial Bleeding. Setting of broken bones. Failure indicates 5d6% impairment of limb usage.
4 Tooth extraction, the removal of decayed teeth. Failure indicates (01-65%) the removal of the wrong tooth, or (66-100%) the tooth breaks requiring surgery to repair, meanwhile the patient will be in extreme pain.
5 Cauterizing wounds with a heated iron or fire to stop bleeding and eliminate infection. Shock in the patient is avoided with an additional Difficult(D4) test. Scarring will result 50% of the time, scars of the face will reduce Personal Appearance 1d6 points.
6 Surgery and other procedures involving the use of a scalpel. Lancing of boils, amputation of extremities and the removal of bits of broken teeth/roots. Bleeding, or "leaching" may be performed as prescribed for various ailments.
7 Major amputation, the removal in part or whole of a limb may be performed. Failure indicates uncontrolled bleeding.

TIME OF STUDY: 6 months.


Prerequisites: Mathematics (1)

1 Ability to maintain accurate records of business type transactions.
2 Ability to manipulate business records in such a way as to show either 10% greater or 10% less profit than actual. This method is entirely accurate it is a matter of where certain expenses are accounted for.
3 Ability to manipulate duplicate business records to minimize reporting of profits for tax purposes. The actual reduction in profits is equal to the Intelligence Level of the financier. Persons caught defrauding Feudal governments of tax moneys were treated exactly as thieves, i.e. fingers or hands were removed with extreme prejudice and generally great publicity. This dissuades most Financiers from getting to creative with their books.

TIME OF STUDY: 1 year.


Min. Attributes: IQ 14, Dexterity 16

1 Appraisal and identification of all type of gems as well as understanding of the "typical" cuts that identify Wrought, Normal, Dwarf and Alchemetical Gems.
2 Ability to perform Normal cuts on Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby and all semi-precious gems.
3 Ability to perform Normal cuts on Diamond.
  NOTE: Enchantment Method required for further advancement.
4 Production of the Great Water of Emerald. Materials requirements are listed in the List of Alchemetical Materials. Process requires 240 - [Magic] days and produces 10 + 1d100 "doses" of potion of True Sight (see Illusion Spell Skills Description for effects) and one 200 ct. Alchemist's Emerald (see Armory, Jewelsmithy or the List of Alchemetical Materials for uses and properties).
5 Production of the Great Water of Sapphire. Process requires 480 - [Magic] days and produces 10 + 1d100 applications of a liquid that amplifies the number of doses of any Augury potion by 1d10 doses and one 200 ct. Alchemist's Sapphire.
6 Production of the Great Water of Ruby. Process requires 640 - [Magic] days and produces 10 + 1d100 "doses" of a potion that provides immunity from effects of Fear or loss of moral for 1d6 hours and one 200 ct. Alchemist's Ruby.
7 Production of the Great Water of Diamond. Process requires 720 - [Magic] days and produces 10 + 1d100 applications of a liquid that, when poured over materials, instantly reduces BMR by two levels, when drunk,increases IQ to 25 for 1d6 hours.

TIME OF STUDY: Levels 1-3: 1 year. Levels 4-7: until the appropriate Great Water has been produced once.


Min. Attributes: IQ 14

1 Herblore, the ability to recognize common plants, uncommon and rare plants are recognized at higher difficulty levels.
2 For each advanced level of Herbalism training every spell of Therapeutic magic cast Ritually is cast as if an two additional levels of training are possessed for that spell skill provided that the appropriate herbs/materials are available.
3 Prescription and preparation of proper pain killing powders and elixirs. Failure indicates (1-65%) no effect or (66-100%) coma for 6d6 hours. Sleeping powders will cause inebriation effects. Death will result if coma lasts longer than 27 hours. Opium or White Lotus based powders may be prepared in 4+1d6 dose batches per four week period, provided such materials are available.

TIME OF STUDY: 1 year.


Min. Attributes: IQ 12

1 Logic: addition and subtraction of any two numbers, given enough time.
2 Geometry: Multiplication and Euclidean geometry, primarily in application, for use in engineering calculations.
3 Advanced Topics: Conics, Theory and Metaphysics, primarily for use in Astronomy, Astrology and Cabalism. Useful in advanced Chemistry, Shipbuilding and Metallurgy.

TIME OF STUDY: 2 years.


Prerequisites: Mathematics (1), Metallurgy (1)

1 Experimentation with design, construction and firing of Bronze Hand Cannons. Requires 2.5 lbs. bronze, 2.5 lbs. worked wood for construction. Firing requires 1 cup of gunpowder per two shots. Solid projectiles can be made from Iron (4/lb.) or lead (3/lb.). "Shot" type projectiles are made from Iron (5/lb.) or lead (4/lb.).
2 Experimentation with design, construction and firing of Bombards. Requires 4 cups gunpowder and 8 lbs. iron or steel. Continued experimentation with design, construction and firing of Hand Cannons advances to the use of 3 lbs. of steel as a replacement barrel material for bronze.
3 Continued experimentation with design, construction and firing of Bombards produces a miniaturized version, the Grenade. Requires 1 cup corned gunpowder and 1 lb. steel.
4 Frustration with clumsy ignition methods leads to investigation of mechanical alternatives. This first attempt produces designs for a matchlock mechanism. Requiring 1 lb. of steel and 3 weeks to construct.
5 Continued refinement of the hand cannon idea produces two worthy designs, both utilizing the new matchlock, the pistol and the musket. Pistol requires 1 lb. steel and 1 lb. wood. Musket requires 6 lbs. steel and 2.5 lbs. wood. Small caliber rounds may be made from Iron (8/lb.) or Lead (6/lb.).
6 The matchlock proves to be difficult to maintain in adverse weather conditions. Further work produces designs for the flintlock which does not require an open flame. This mechanism also requires 1 lb. of steel and 3 weeks to construct. All previous firearms may now be constructed with this new mechanism.
7 Advances in quality of steels, specifically carbon steel, allow the barrel of the musket to be rifled to increase accuracy and to reduce the amount of material required to 5 lbs.

TIME OF STUDY: 1 year.
COMMENTS: The skills listed here refer only to the design and actual assembly of equipment. The Cabinetry, Metallurgy, Chemistry and Metalworking required may be left to trusted persons with those skills and at least a 15 Intelligence. The ideal Mechanician would prefer to produce all of his own materials.


Min. Attributes: Con 12, IQ 12

1 Smelting, drawing and casting of Lead, Zinc, and Bismuth. Produces 1 lb. of metal for each Metallurgy level per week (i.e. [Metallurgy Level] lbs. per week).
2 Smelting, drawing and casting of Iron. Produces [Metallurgy Level - 1] lbs. per week.
3 Smelting, drawing and casting of Copper, alloying of Brass. Produces [Metallurgy Level - 2] lbs. per week.
4 Alloys investigations yield a workable Bronze. Produces [Metallurgy Level - 3] lbs. per week.
5 Continued work with alloys produces a serviceable Steel. Produces [Metallurgy Level - 4] lbs. per week.
6 Smelting, drawing and casting of Silver. Produces [Metallurgy Level - 5] lbs. per week.
7 Smelting and casting of Gold. Produces [Metallurgy Level - 6] lbs. per week.
8 Alloys investigation produces a superior "Carbon" Steel. Produces [Metallurgy Level - 7] lbs.
9 Smelting, drawing and casting of Platinum, alloying of Electrum. Produces [Metallurgy Level - 8] lbs. per week.
10 Smelting, drawing and casting of Mithril. Produces [Metallurgy Level - 9] lbs. per month.

TIME OF STUDY: 6 months.

Military Engineer

Min. Attributes: IQ 15, Strength 12, Dexterity 12
Prerequisites: Architect, Civil (1)

1 Designing, engineering and planning of military hard points and shelters. Design and construction of small specialty crossbows, e.g. repeating, advanced strength (+1 damage per Military Engineer level), and advanced materials (steel bow, +3 damage).
2 Designing, engineering and planning of military structures such as fortified walls to 10' and Fortified Manor Houses.
3 Design and construction of siege gunnes, e.g. Onager, Mangonel and Trebuchet.
4 Designing, engineering and planning of all but the largest of military fortifications (excludes only Castle V). Design and construction of heavy siege engines, e.g. Ballista and Springal.
5 Engineering and planning of great works of architecture and military fortification (Aztec or Egyptian pyramids are examples as well as the great castles of Europe).

TIME OF STUDY: 1 year.


Min. Attributes: IQ 12, Wis. 12, Dexterity 12
Prerequisites: Chirurgery(5)

1 The preparation and prescription of salves and ointments for the treatment of various skin irritations, swellings and rashes. The preparation and of a cordial of Cure Minor Wound by creation of a Simple Artifact using the Enchanting Artifacts rules except that the Physician will use only his Intelligence (rather than Magic Proficiency) and his Physician level (rather than Method Level) to determine the time required for the enchantment, 4+1d6 doses will result.
2 Diagnosis and Treatment of common diseases: Common Cold, Dysentery, Rashes and Itches, Pneumonia, Recurrent Fever, Chicken Pox, Tuberculosis and Leprosy.
3 The preparation and of a cordial of Cure Disease by creation of a Simple Artifact using the Enchanting Artifacts rules except that the Physician will use only his Intelligence (rather than Magic Proficiency) and his Physician level - 2 (rather than Method Level) to determine the time required for the enchantment, 4+1d6 doses will result.
4 Diagnosis and treatment of uncommon diseases: Leprosy of the Tomb, Malaria, Small Pox, Typhoid Fever, Typhus, Cholera, Bubonic Plague.
5 Treatment of paralysis may be attempted at a D5 level of difficulty, increasing by one level (+D1) each month thereafter. Diagnosis and treatment of Poisoning by a prescription of an antidote, which the physician may make if necessary. Successful administration of such an antidote reduces the level of difficulty of all subsequent Constitution tests by one level (-D1).

TIME OF STUDY: 1 year.

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updated on:   11 Feb 1999